
Terms & Conditions

Grand Gyms Ltd (The Facility) 21 Templars Square, OX4 3XQ – Terms & Conditions

I understand that I am participating in a physical activity and I assume full responsibility
for all of my actions during and connected to my training at the facility. I understand the
risk of taking part in this type of sport and hereby release all employees and associate
from any type of injury, loss or death sustained whilst training at the facility. I also state
that I am in good health and know of no reason why I cannot participate in exercise. I
have never been diagnosed with epilepsy, heart failure or high blood pressure, which
may lead to complications for my training needs. If I am pregnant, fasting, or otherwise
unable to safely use the facilities – I understand that I use the facilities at my own risk,
and we would recommend seeking a doctor’s opinion before using the facilities.
In case of an emergency, I hereby authorise any licensed medical personnel to perform
any accepted medical procedure deemed necessary. I also agree that my attendance
and/or performance at training may be photographed, filmed or taped and used for
marketing purposes.
I do not have any further information that I need to make available to Grand Gyms Ltd.
at this stage and I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the club in writing,
should there be any further amendments to my state of health.
These terms and conditions shall apply regardless of whether you have signed up
online through our website, or offline at the premises:



1.1. Your membership will begin on the date you choose to start your membership from. 

1.2. When paying by Direct Debit, an initial payment will be required to cover the
period up to your first DD payment, this is your pro rata payment. 

1.3. Your membership is personal to you. You cannot transfer it to another person. 

1.4. If Grand Gyms Ltd or the direct debit company (Harlands Resamania UK) were to make a
mistake with your membership fees we would take responsibility for that issue. You are
guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your bank/building society. 

1.5. All memberships paid upfront are non-refundable.


   2.  FEES

2.1. You must pay a monthly membership which will be determined by your
chosen membership package. 

2.2. Monthly installments will be due within the first week of each month. 

2.3. We may change the amount of your monthly payments. If we do, we will send
notification to the email provided at sign up. We will give you 14 days notice before
the changes take place. 

2.4. Monthly fees are payable even if you do not use the facilities and freezing of
membership comes at a cost of £5 per month.



3.1. Memberships cannot be cancelled prior to the agreed contract length that you
have signed up for and the last full monthly payment has been made. A contract may be cancelled once the final full monthly payment has been made; this requires 30 days’ notice prior to your next payment date. This request must be sent in writing to feelfitgym@servicetsg.com



4.1. During the minimum period of the contract, you may cancel the contract only: 

4.1.1. If we fail to maintain the standard of service you would reasonably expect.

 4.1.2. If we alter the operating hours of the services unreasonably. 

4.1.3. If you develop a medical condition which prevents you from using the services on
an ongoing basis. An appropriate medical practitioner must provide written evidence that
this is so. 

4.1.4. If you move away from the area by a distance, which we consider, at our sole
discretion, to be too far to travel to the services for regular use. We shall require
evidence that such a move has taken place. 

4.1.5. If you lose your employment and are unable keep up the repayments as a result.
You must produce documentary evidence and initially we shall be prepared to
suspend payments for two months and review with you your financial situation


   5.  GYM & SPA RULES

5.1. You must comply with the Gym & Spa rules/etiquette, which forms part of
this agreement. 

5.2. We may change the rules/etiquette at any time. We will post notice of any changes
at the premises.



6.1. We can change the agreement at any time. We will give you 14 days’ notice to the
email provided at sign up of any changes made.



7.1. You are entitled to use the facilities available for your category of
membership package. 

7.2. You may have to pay additional charges to use certain other facilities/activities at the
facility. You can get a list of these from our reception these additional optional facility
fees can change prices at any time. 

7.3. The facility may open/close earlier during public holiday periods. Facilities may also
close for occasional special events. Notices will be displayed in the center in advance
notifying customers of any changes. No refunds will be available for these periods.

7.4. We may change the center opening times or withdraw any of the facilities at any
time if we need them for events, tournaments, exhibitions or other special activities.

7.5. We may need to close a facility or part of it for repair/refurbishment on the grounds
of health and safety or improving customer service. Fitness classes may also have to
be cancelled due to unforeseen instructor unavailability. In the above circumstances we
will use our best endeavors to:

7.5.1. Give as much notice as is reasonably practicable by displaying notices in
the center.

7.5.2. Arrange for alternative facilities during a period of closure.

7.6. Your membership does not give you priority over other users or guarantee
the availability of facilities.

7.7. The facilities management reserve the right to change the activity programme.
Prior notice will be given in the center relating to activity cancellations or the
introduction of new sessions.

7.8. Various promotions are available to you as either an upgrade or addition to
your membership.


   8.  WAIVER

8.1. I hereby assume all risk associated with my use of the facilities at the premises,
including the steam room and sauna. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive
any claims that I have now or may have hereafter against Grand Gyms Ltd, it’s
employees and agents and hold them harmless from any and all liability, claims,
demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to the use of
the facilities, including but not limited to any slip and fall incident referred to above. I
have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms. 

8.2. I understand that I am strictly liable for any damages, deterioration and/or loss of
use of the facilities, it’s systems and/or contents, should such loss occur due to my
use of the same for any reason.



9.1. You must use your QR code / fob when accessing facilities; otherwise, we will
charge you the standard casual rate (Pay as you go). 

9.2. All members must have their photograph taken for identification purposes; this will
be stored on the facilities database. This information will solely be used for Grand Gym’s
purposes and will not be released to any third parties. 

9.3. If you lose your membership fob, there will be a charge of £8 to replace it. 

9.4. You cannot permit access for another person using your QR code / fob. Misuse will
result in immediate termination with no refund of fees already paid.



10.1. If you are under the age of 16, your parent or guardian must sign this
agreement on your behalf. By signing this agreement your parent or guardian agrees
to be responsible for your behavior and actions at all times and to pay us any
amounts that are due on your behalf. 

10.2. When you reach the age of 16, your junior membership will end and you will
automatically and immediately become a full adult member and sign a copy of this

 10.3 The minimum age to join Feel fit gym is 14 years old – any member age 14 or 15
has access to the gym (not including free weights) and changing facilities only and only
during staff hours, classes and spa access are not permitted. They must train under
supervisor of their guardian/parent. Junior members of OMAA must only train in their
age range groups unless authorised by the parent and head coach.



11.1 Harlands Resamania UK is our agent for the collection of your monthly subscriptions. Harlands Resamania UK will collect your subscription monthly in advance on our behalf by Direct Debit. 

11.2 Failure to pay the monthly subscription will accrue a £5.00 late payment charge, which will remain until the fees are paid. 3 consecutive missed payments will increase your late payment fee to £10. 

11.3 If you would like to make a complaint with the service you have received from Harlands Resamania UK, this should be in writing or by e-mail to(memberships@feelfitgym.com). 

11.4 If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than 30 days, then we may pass the debt to a third-party company for collection. The costs incurred in employing the third-party company will be borne by you including the costs in tracing you should you have changed address without telling us.